Monday 6 October 2014

Rebels attacking!

Hi everyone.

Long time no see, to be exact, but many things have occured during these past few weeks. I haven't stayed idle though, but, and below you will see the results.

A couple of days ago, I started reading Bernard Cornwell's novel ''Rebel'' that describes the war between the North and the South in the States (the Blues and the Greys as I like to say) during the 1860's - the well known American Civil War. 

Inspired by it, I bought some figures from Imex - (Confederate Infantry and Union Infantry), and some from Italeri (Confederate Infantry)  and started painting them. If you care to read about the quality of them, please go to the PSR site, where their details and aspects are being thoroughly explained. They do look the part, if I may say. :-)

The Greys, since they had a bit of problem in terms of resources, during the war, due to the blockade dictated by the Union forces, had to wear whatever was available at the time, but they tried to keep their tunics grey, so as not to get mixed with their opponents whilst fighting. That was my intention while painting them. I tried to make them as in-consistent as possible.

I hope you like them.

Have a nice Monday evening everyone!



  1. Great looking minis, and beautiful pictures!

  2. Well done. Those look great. You can also use butternut uniforms. We did receive some uniform shipments from Great Britain with butternut colored uniforms.

  3. Very nice indeed Thanos and I love the special effects with the muzzle flare - brilliant work.

  4. Great looking figures Thanos, I like the mixed colour uniforms

  5. They look fantastic! Nicely uniformly irregular. Very nice touch with the muzzle flashes too!

  6. Great work Thanos, a nice mix of colours and uniforms.
