Tuesday 17 July 2012

US 105mm Howitzers

Hello everyone.....

It's been a long long time since my last post (more than a month dare I say). 
The temperature here in Athens was escalating in heating terms, this past thirty days and my appetite for painting was somehow wrenched....
I wasn't sitting on my buttocks though. Even though I didn't feel like painting, I managed to read four books, visit Norway (for my work), and I tried to begin writing a book (in Greek, so no worries boys and girld, you won't feel appalled by a possible lewdness to your nice language). For this project (they are piling up once more), I bought (after a long argument I had with my bank account) a new laptop!!!! I'm now, in what you call 'stalemate'...but the muse will visit me again (soon I hope)! I can use it for my hobby though (now...I have to learn to use Photoshop....hmmm).

Anyway, enough with my excuses. I tried to visit as many blogs I could (even though I didn't comment much) and I noticed that you've been busy painting and modelling. Bravo!! :-)

Below you will find some photos, showing US 105mm howitzers. I bought these models (metal ones) from RAFM Miniatures (link) for quite a bargain price for each. For the crews, I used Waterloo's #038 American 75mm Mountain Gun figs, which (in my opinion) are very well sculpted. If you are looking for US gun crews in plastic, don't look any further, this is the kit you were looking for!

So....on with the photos!

I hope you like 'em!
C&C are always welcome!



  1. Wonderful, tempting me to get some of those guns. Great to see you back in saddle!

    1. Back in saddle..I like that! Thank you mate! :)

  2. Epic amount of good and solid artillery there Thanos. The painting is superb!

  3. Very good painting and weathering, and those troops do look realistic!
    Good luck with writing the book!

  4. very nice work, those guns will me a nuessance to any attacker

  5. I'm glad to see you back. I thought you'd fallen off the edge of the world Thanos!! Nice looking guns there.

    Photoshop is a bear to learn, but it's great to have as there's so much you can do with it. I hope your muse pays you visit soon to help you with your writing and your painting.

    1. Thank you Anne. Truth is, I missed you all (that's called Stockholm Syndrome, if I remember correctly...). :)))

  6. Excellent work as always..As Gowan states I would not like to be on the receiving end.

  7. Nice to see you back in action, certainly sounds like you've been busy :-) That's a nice looking gun battery, they look good and solid. The crew look good, those are some of the better looking gun crew I've seen around.

    1. Thx Alan. They are very nice figs, I agree.

  8. Looks awesome ! I bet its a lot of fun !
